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Kidepo Valley National Park - Uganda's most remote national park, is a stunning savannah nestled in the north-eastern corner of the country. Kidepo is renowned for its rugged landscapes, dramatic scenery, and unparalleled wildlife experiences. 

This park, established in 1962, offers a sense of untouched wilderness that is rare in today's world. Characterized by its sprawling savannahs, majestic mountain ranges, and the seasonal Kidepo and Narus Rivers, Kidepo is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventurers. 


The park is home to over 77 mammal species, and more than 475 bird species. Visitors to Kidepo often describe it as one of Africa's best-kept secrets, offering a safari experience that rivals the more famous parks of East Africa but free of the crowds.

Location & Accessibility

Kidepo Valley National Park is located in the Karamoja region, approximately 700 kilometres north of Kampala, Uganda's capital. Its remote location contributes to its pristine condition, but it also means that reaching Kidepo requires some planning.

By Road

Driving to Kidepo is an adventure in itself. The journey from Kampala to Kidepo can take about 11 hours, but it's a scenic drive through Uganda's beautiful countryside. 

There are several routes to choose from:

  1. Kampala - Karuma - Gulu - Kitgum - Kidepo: This is the most common route, taking you through northern Uganda's major towns. The roads are generally in good condition, but the final stretch can be rough.
  2. Kampala - Mbale - Soroti - Moroto - Kotido - Kidepo: This route is slightly longer but offers a unique opportunity to explore eastern Uganda and the Karamoja region.

By Air

For those looking to save time, flying is the best option. Scheduled domestic flights connect Entebbe International Airport to Kidepo, with a flight time of about 2 hours. 

Charter flights are also available for a more personalized experience.

You can also fly to Kidepo from other national parks in Uganda, especially Murchison Falls National Park - should you already be there for safari.

Things to Do (Activities)

Kidepo Valley National Park offers a wide range of activities for visitors, catering to both adventure seekers and those looking to relax and soak in the natural beauty.

1. Game Drives

Game drives are the primary activity in Kidepo, offering the chance to see a variety of wildlife. The park's open savannas make spotting animals relatively easy. 

Common sightings include elephants, buffaloes, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, and the elusive leopards. The Narus Valley is particularly rich in wildlife and offers excellent game viewing opportunities.

zebras in national park

2. Bird Watching

With over 475 bird species recorded, Kidepo is a bird watcher's paradise. Some of the notable species include the ostrich, Kori bustard, secretary bird, and the endemic Karamoja apalis.

The park's diverse habitats, from wetlands to savannas, provide ample bird-watching spots.

3. Hiking and Nature Walks

Kidepo's rugged terrain offers excellent hiking opportunities. Guided nature walks allow visitors to explore the park's diverse landscapes up close. 

The Lomej Mountains and the Morungole Range, where the indigenous Ik people live, are popular hiking destinations.

4. Cultural Experiences

A visit to Kidepo only made complete after experiencing the local culture. The Karamojong and Ik people are the main ethnic groups in the area. 

Visitors can engage with these communities, learn about their traditional lifestyles, and participate in cultural activities such as traditional dances and craft making.

5. Hot Springs

The Kanangorok Hot Springs, located near the South Sudan border, are a unique natural attraction. The springs are believed to have therapeutic properties, and the surrounding area offers stunning views of the landscape.

Places to Stay

Accommodation in Kidepo Valley National Park ranges from luxurious lodges to basic campsites, catering to all budgets and preferences.

Apoka Safari Lodge

Apoka Safari Lodge is the epitome of luxury in Kidepo. Located in the heart of the park, this lodge offers spacious rooms with private verandas overlooking the Narus Valley. Amenities include a swimming pool, a restaurant, and guided game drives.

Kidepo Savannah Lodge

Kidepo Savannah Lodge provides a more budget-friendly yet comfortable option. The lodge offers en-suite safari tents and regular tents, all with stunning views of the park. The lodge's restaurant serves delicious meals, and game drives can be arranged.

Nga'Moru Wilderness Camp

Nga'Moru Wilderness Camp offers a blend of comfort and adventure. The camp features cottages and tents with private facilities. Located on the park's border, it offers easy access to the game-rich areas.

UWA Bandas and Campsites

For those looking for a more rugged experience, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) operates bandas (basic huts) and campsites within the park. These are ideal for budget travellers and provide a closer connection to nature.

Seasons & Best Time to Visit

Kidepo Valley National Park can be visited year-round, but the best time to visit depends on your interests and what you hope to see.

Dry Season (June to September)

The dry season is the best time for game viewing. The vegetation is sparse, making it easier to spot wildlife around water sources. 

The weather is generally warm and sunny, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F) during the day.

Wet Season (March to May, October to November)

The wet season brings lush landscapes and is ideal for bird watching. 

The park is less crowded during this time, offering a more serene experience. However, some trails may become impassable due to heavy rains, and wildlife is more dispersed.

Climate Chart

Here is a climate chart showing the average monthly rainfall and temperatures in Kidepo Valley National Park:

Month Average High (°C/°F) Average Low (°C/°F) Average Rainfall (mm)
January 30 / 86 18 / 64 15
February 31 / 88 18 / 64 28
March 30 / 86 19 / 66 54
April 29 / 84 19 / 66 101
May 28 / 82 18 / 64 135
June 27 / 81 17 / 63 97
July 27 / 81 17 / 63 76
August 27 / 81 17 / 63 91
September 28 / 82 17 / 63 114
October 28 / 82 17 / 63 129
November 28 / 82 17 / 63 74
December 29 / 84 17 / 63 27

Nearby Attractions

While Kidepo Valley National Park is complete as a destination in itself, there are several nearby attractions that can enhance your experience of visiting the Karamoja region of Uganda.

Karamoja Region

The Karamoja region is culturally rich and offers unique experiences. Visit the Karamojong manyattas (traditional homesteads), explore the region's vibrant markets, and enjoy the stunning landscapes that include Mount Moroto.

Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve

ostrich in pian upe

Located south of Kidepo, Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is Uganda's second-largest protected area. It offers a great wilderness experience with opportunities to see wild animals such as cheetahs, leopards, giraffes, and hartebeests.

Closing Thoughts

Kidepo Valley National Park is a true hidden gem that promises an authentic safari experience and delivers more. The remote location, diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking adventure and tranquillity. 

Whether you're exploring the park on a game drive, hiking its rugged terrain, or engaging with the local communities, Kidepo offers a unique and enriching experience that stands out among Uganda's many natural wonders.

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