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Lake Mburo National Park is a small sparkling gem in Uganda's extensive network of national parks and protected areas. At around 370 square kilometres, it is the smallest of Uganda's protected savannah parks, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in charm and diversity.

The park's network of lakes and swamps, forest and dry savannah is home to many animals and birds, which attract many nature enthusiasts and anyone seeking a beautiful escape into nature.

zebra and eland in lake mburo np

Location & Accessibility

Lake Mburo National Park is located in the western Uganda, approximately 240 kilometers (about 150 miles) from Kampala, the capital city. The park is situated near Mbarara, one of Uganda's major towns, making it easily accessible for both local and international visitors.

  • By Road

The most common way to reach Lake Mburo is by road. From Kampala, it takes 3-4 hours to drive to the park via the Masaka-Mbarara highway. 

The roads are in good condition, and the journey offers picturesque views of Uganda's countryside as you transition from Buganda in the Victoria basin to Ankole's sprawling cattle ranches. Along the way, you can stop at the equator crossing point for some fun pictures and souvenir shopping.

  • By Air

For those preferring to fly, there are domestic flights available from Entebbe International Airport to Mbarara where the remaining drive is less than 1 hour long. This option significantly reduces travel time and offers a scenic aerial view of the region.

These domestic flights can also connect to and from other Uganda parks such as Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi or Murchison Falls national parks.

Things to Do (Activities)

1. Game Drives

Wildlife safari game drives are one of the most common ways for people to see the wild animals in Lake Mburo National Park. The diverse habitat of acacia woodland, dry savannah and wetlands makes a great home for many animals.

The park's star residents are the large herds (dazzles) of zebras which can sometimes cross over to the private ranches and graze with cattle. other animals include impalas, elands, buffaloes, several antelope species and giraffes.

Lake mburo- zebras

2. Boat Cruises

Lake Mburo National Park is home to a network of several connected lakes and wetlands - with the main one being called Lake Mburo - the one after which the park is named.

A boat cruise on the lake offers a unique opportunity to see some of the the water loving animals and birds up close - especially hippos, crocodiles, African fish eagle among others. The tranquil waters and beautiful scenery make this a relaxing and memorable experience.

3. Nature Walks / Walking safaris

Because the park doesn't have predators like lions present, it is perfect for nature walks and walking safaris. The walks bring you close to the parks abundant animals especially zebras, elands and Uganda kobs which are often grazing together.

These nature walks can be tailored to different interests, like bird watching, plant identification, and animal tracking. The Rubanga Forest is a particularly interesting area for birders.

4. Bird Watching

fish eagle eating

With more than 350 bird species recorded, Lake Mburo National Park is a perfect place for a birder to visit. Notable species include the African finfoot, white-winged warbler, papyrus gonolek, and the rare shoebill stork

The mix of wetland, savannah, and woodland habitats makes for diverse and exciting birding opportunities.

Related article: Best bird watching spots in Uganda

5. Horseback Safaris

One of the unique activities at Lake Mburo is the horseback safari. This offers a quiet and eco-friendly way to explore the park and get close to wildlife without the noise of a vehicle. 

Horseback safaris are suitable for all levels of riders, from beginners to experienced equestrians.

6. Sport Fishing

Lake Mburo's several lakes and wetlands make it an idea place for sport fishing. The lake is home to several fish species, including tilapia. Fishing permits can be obtained at the park, and there are designated areas where fishing is allowed.

Places to Stay / Accommodation

1. Mihingo Lodge: Mihingo Lodge is a luxury lodge perched on a rocky outcrop, offering stunning views of the park. It features spacious, tented rooms with en-suite bathrooms, a swimming pool, and a restaurant serving delicious meals. The lodge also offers horseback safaris and walking tours.

2. Rwakobo Rock: Rwakobo Rock is a mid-range lodge located just outside the park. It offers comfortable cottages with en-suite bathrooms, a restaurant, and a bar. The lodge is known for its eco-friendly practices and its beautiful location atop a rocky outcrop, providing panoramic views of the park.

3. Arcadia Cottages: Arcadia Cottages are located within the park and offer a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly rooms to more luxurious cottages. The facility includes a restaurant and bar, and its central location makes it a convenient base for exploring the park.

4. Lake Mburo Safari Lodge: This lodge offers a variety of accommodation options, including luxury tents and cottages. It features a restaurant, bar, and a swimming pool. The lodge is situated close to the park entrance, providing easy access to various activities.

5. Eagles Nest Camp: For budget travelers, Eagles Nest Camp offers basic, affordable accommodation with stunning views of Lake Mburo. The camp has a restaurant and bar, and it’s a great option for those looking to experience the park without spending a lot on lodging.

Seasons & Best Time to Visit

Lake Mburo National Park can be visited year-round, but the experience can vary depending on the season. The change of season is not significant and the best time to visit will depend on your preferences and wishes.

Dry Season

In Lake Mburo Naitonal Park, the dry seaon happens in the months between June to September & December to February. Here the temperatures are warm ranging from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), and there are no chances of rainfall.

  • Pros: This is the best time for wildlife viewing as animals tend to congregate around water sources, making them easier to spot. 
  • Cons: The park can be busier during this period due to increased tourist numbers.

Wet Season 

The wet season in Lake Mburo National park happens between the months of March to May & October to November. This season is characterised by more rainfalls that turns the park lush and green, with cooler temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).

  • Pros: The wet season is great for bird watching as migratory birds arrive, and the scenery is incredibly beautiful. There are also fewer tourists, making it a quieter experience.
  • Cons: Wildlife viewing can be more challenging as animals spread out due to the availability of water throughout the park. Activities, like nature walks might be challenging due to muddy conditions.

Climate Chart

Here is a climate chart showing the average monthly rainfall and temperature of Lake Mburo National Park.

Month Avg. Rainfall (mm) Avg. Temperature (°C) Avg. Temperature (°F)
January 60 26 79
February 75 26 79
March 130 25 77
April 150 24 75
May 130 24 75
June 60 24 75
July 50 24 75
August 65 25 77
September 85 25 77
October 130 24 75
November 115 24 75
December 85 25 77

Nearby Attractions

1. Igongo Cultural Centre

The Igongo Cultural Centre and Museum is a great place for a deep dive into the culture and history of the Ankole people. The museum and cultural village will give you an informative grounding and understanding of Ankole culture and customs.

The restaurant serves traditional Ankole foods like Eshabwe, Matoke, Karo among others.

2. Ankole Cattle Farms

A visit to an Ankole cattle farm provides an opportunity to see the famous long-horned Ankole cattle up close. Lake Mburo National Park is neighboured by many private ranches with herds of cattle reaching in the several hundreds.

These cattle are integral to the culture and economy of the area. You can learn about the traditional value of cows to the Banyankole people, and some of the more common names given to cows.

3. Mbarara Town

Mbarara Town is one of the major towns in western Uganda, and a mixing pot of urban culture from the nearby districts. It is a vibrant town with an active nightlife scene, and a calmer pace of life for those who want to explore the town for markets, important spots and restaurants.

Closing Thoughts

While the size of Lake Mburo National Park can make most people dismiss it, the diversity of landscapes and profusion of wildlife prove it as shining gem. With a perfect location along the Kampala-Masaka-Mbarara highway, it is also Uganda's most easily accessible park - by private car or public bus transport.

Whether you want to see wildlife, birds or simply relax in a serene environment away from the busy-ness of modern life, Lake Mburo National Park is a good place to go for a peaceful retreat.

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