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Khaudum National Park is located in northeastern Namibia, just west of the Caprivi Strip. The park is situated in the Kalahari desert and is very remote and isolated.

After Etosha National Park, Khaudum is Namibia's most special wildlife destination with big animals and predators as well as many birds.

Unlike Etosha, Khaudum National Park is much less visited and therefore ideal for people who want to explore unchartered territory. The undeveloped infrastructure and rugged 4x4 trails make for great adventures in what is called Namibia's Forgotten Wilderness.

African wilddogs in khaudum np namibia


While in Khaudum National Park, you will enjoy any of the following activities

  • Bird watching
  • Wildlife viewing
  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Photography
  • San cultural experiences

When To Go

Much as you can visit Khaudum National Park at any time of the year, the best time is between June and September. This is when the animals come and gather at the water sources, and you will be able to see huge numbers.

Getting There

Khaudum National Park is located about 800 kilometres northeast of Windhoek and can only be accessed by 4x4 capable vehicles. Driving from Windhoek to Khaudum will take a whole day

Where To Stay

Unlike Etosha and Khaudum National receives very few visitors and the accommodation options are quite limited. You are advised to book ahead of time to make sure you get space.

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