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Facts about Ostriches. 17+ things to know about Ostriches. Size, Habits & More

Ostriches are the largest species of birds in the world and are well known for their impressive size and striking appearance. Beyond their physical attributes, Ostriches are very interesting birds with a lot of biological and behavioural adaptations to survive and thrive in their natural habitat.

What Elephants Eat. What [& how much] African elephants eat in the wild to grow so big

As the biggest land animals, you would expect elephants to eat quite a lot of food, and they do. Their big size makes many people wonder what elephants eat to grow into such imposing sizes.

In this article, we'll look at what elephants eat, and drink as well as how much they need to survive. 

African Bush vs Forest Elephants. How you can tell apart Africa's 2 elephant species.

African elephants are often thought of as one species but they are 2 separate species. There is the African forest elephant as well as the African bush/savannah elephant.

As their names suggest, African forest elephants live in the thick forests of Subsaharan Africa. On the other hand, African bush elephants live in the open savannahs and grasslands in Africa.

Where To See African Elephants In The Wild. 30+ places to see elephants in Africa.

The African wilderness is full of interesting animals but none has quite the presence of the African Elephant. From their size, intelligence, and social structures, elephants are the most iconic of African wild animals, and you could spend days with them without getting tired.

African Safari Cost

Travelling is a very involved process, and the cost of going on a holiday is why many people don't go as often as they would love to. Given the very foreign nature of travelling to Africa, the question of what an African Safari costs, is a constant one.

The truth is that there is no standard price or price range for an African Safari. This is because the cost of the various services and products involved is different for the many places and various kinds of trips.

African Safari Packing List

Zambia is an exciting safari destination for anyone who wants to see African animals, the Victoria Falls and many great natural landscapes. In this article, we are going to look at what you should pack for a safari to Zambia.

Zambia has two major season - dry and wet. While some items could be skipped in a given season, we have put all the items which can work at all times. 

Here is a summarized overview of Zambia's climate at different times of the year.

African Safari Vaccinations. Insights for before, DURING & after your safaru

Going on a safari is extremely exciting and rewarding and therefore we wouldn't want it to be ruined by sickness.

Good preparation is the best way to ensure that you won't get sick, or even worry about getting sick while you explore the jungles and traverse the savannah. And that is where vaccinations come in.

Before we go any further, please remember that vaccinations are not a 100% guarantee against sickness and that each person is different so talking with your doctor is very important.

Choosing An African Safari

Choosing the RIGHT African Safari for your visit is a very important part of how your overall experience will turn out. This is an even steeper decision for the people who are visiting Africa from all around the world for the very first time.

Paying for a holiday is expensive and every care should be taken to ensure that your experience is above and beyond the money you paid to facilitate the trip. The experience should leave you willing to do it all over again.

17+ Facts About Warthogs. Diet, Fighting & social structure of Pumba

Much as there are many wild pigs in Africa, the warthog is one of the most well-known and easily recognized animals because of its tusks and warts on the face.

From its representation as Pumba in Disney's Lion King to the sharp protruding tusks and warts that dominate their face, warthogs are always a joy to meet on safari.